2024. május 20., hétfő | Névnap: Bernát, Felícia
Bank account loans
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The bank account loan is a consumer loan product linked to the bank account for overcoming temporary cash difficulties.

Following the judgement of loan made by the bank, an overdraft on the account is made possible according to individul credit line stated in the bank account contract. Typically it can be claimed without a guarantor and the bankaccount’s frequent incoming transactions serve as coverage. It can be used freely, without stating a goal for taking the loan, and upon discretion on a self made up schedule. The granted loan can be payed back either in one or more part, to loan is reduced by the continuous usage of the incoming transmissions. The credit line is made reusable again with repayment. The loan in many cases doesn’t have maturity but the bank sysmematically re-checks the meeting of loan conditions. The loan can be used with a changing interest. The detailed conditions, the loan interest and other cost conditions (administration fee, fee of loan judgement, availability costs) are contained in the user agreement.