2024. május 20., hétfő | Névnap: Bernát, Felícia
Protection of Investments
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Protection of investments


Risk coming from investment (for instance from the decrease of the price of investment units or stocks) is always on the investor.
But what happens when the investment service provider (brokerage) goes bankrupt and even the investment made a terrific profit, but the brokerage is insolvent and it can not provide the stock bought or recorded by them?

This is the purpose of the indemnity of the Investment Protection Fund (Beva)

"The Investor Protection Fund is an autonomous legal entity that provides limited property coverage funded from the contributions paid by its members and from other revenues as required under law and in the provisions of its own by-laws if any of its members cannot effect delivery against certain customer claims due to lack of funds, i.e. is not capable of performing its commitment to disburse deposits." (http://www.bva.hu)