2024. május 20., hétfő | Névnap: Bernát, Felícia
Travel insurance
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Travel insurance


A travel insurance can be very useful, e.g. in case of an accident or getting ill abroad. Having a hungarian health insurance allows to get the necessary health care in other member states of the Eurpean Union. With the European Health Insurance Card the National Health Insurence pays all the medical attendance, that the civilians in the destination country can get. In some of the countries there are attendances, that the insurance does not cover. This is the part of the price, that the patients have to pay for, and this is why a travel insurance is worth for purchase.
Some of the important medicines are also worth for bring with, especially antipyretic and analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, laxative.

It is worth to receive the appropriate vaccinations suggested by the GP. Informations about the required vaccinations also can be found on the webpage of the Foreign Ministry, or the website of the destination country.

The travel insurance may also cover for baggages and other values.


Practical advices:


  • It is wort to redeem the European Health Insurance Card
  • Always purchaes a travel insurance
  • Always reed the small print text (the devil is in the deatails)